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The Embassy in Beijing is responsible for China and Mongolia, specifically for the provinces:
- Chongqing
- Gansu
- Guizhou
- Hebei
- Heilongjiang
- Henan
- Hubei
- Hunan
- Inner Mongolia
- Jiangxi
- Jilin
- Liaoning
- Ningxia
- Qinghai
- Shaanxi
- Shandong
- Shanxi
- Sichuan
- Tibet
- Xinjiang
Who's who?
- ANGELET Bruno, Ambassador, Head of Mission
- VODDERIE Bart, Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission (politics)
- JACOBS Tine, Minister-Counsellor (economy)
- SYS Christiaan, Counsellor , Consul-General, Head of Consular Section
- COURTOIS Frederic, First Secretary (politics)
- CASTIAUX Nelson, First Secretary (economy)
- PASÔ Benjamin, First Secretary, Vice Consul
- RECOLLECTE Max, Second Secretary (press, public diplomacy)
BEDOYAN Isabelle, Customs attaché for Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao
Tel: (+86) 8531 2900
E-mail: isabelle.bedoyan@minfin.fed.be
Federal Agency for the safety of the food chain (FAVV-AFSCA)
SCHREIBER Annabelle,
Tel: (+86) 8531 2900
E-mail: Annabelle.Schreiber@favv-afsca.be
Representation of the Regions and Communities
DENAYER Didier, Attaché et Représentant de Wallonie-Bruxelles en Chine, y compris pour la culture et l’éducation
Tel: (00.86.10) 6532.6695
Fax: (00.86.10) 6532.6696
E-mail: pekin@awex-wallonia.com
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Trade and investment
The economic and commercial attachés of the three regional trade agencies (AWEX, FIT and HUB Brussels) in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou advise and support Belgian companies wishing to export to China or planning to develop other activities in China. Chinese companies interested in the procurement of goods and services from companies based in the three regions of Belgium (Brussels Capital Region, Flemish Region and Walloon Region) can also contact them with their requests. They can give information about partnership and investment opportunities in Belgium.
DE RIDDER Koen, Attaché for Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT)
Tel: (+86) 8531 2900
E-mail: beijing@fitagency.com
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AWEX Wallonia / Brussels Export
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See our Visit Belgium section for further information about Belgium as a tourism destination.
VISITFLANDERS | Tourist Office for Flanders & Brussels | Belgium
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Visit Wallonia
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Visit Brussels
Tel: (+86) 8531 2900
E-mail: beijing@brusselsinvestexport.com
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Representation of the Provinces
ZHANG Chi, Representative of Ghent University - East Asia Platform in Beijing
311, 3Floor, Building 81, No. 4 Gongren stadium North Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100028, P.R. China
T: +86 13718535418
E: chi.zhang@east-asia-platform.be