Embassy in Beijing

All practical information on our Embassy in Beijing.

Contact details for Belgians in distress in China

If, despite all precautions, you find yourself in an emergency situation abroad, contact us.
  1. Last updated on

Emergency number outside of the opening hours

For extreme emergencies only, such as deceased Belgians, arrest, theft of travel documents, etcetera, Belgians can reach the Embassy in Beijing via the emergency number +86 138 100 491 54.  

 Please be aware of the time difference between China and Belgium (6 to 7 hours of difference). The person answering the emergency number will not answer administrative questions, such as visa, passport renewal, etcetera.

Overview of emergency numbers:

  • the Embassy in Beijing via the emergency number +86 138 100 491 54
  • the Consulate General in Guangzhou via the emergency number +86 139 251 018 34
  • the Consulate General in Hong Kong via the emergency number +852 909 254 46
  • the Consulate General in Shanghai via the emergency number +86 139 016 561 17
  • the Honorary Consulate in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) via the emergency number +976 9115 2882