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R&F Center, Unit 2, 7th Floor - 10 Huaxia Lu - Zhujiang Xin Cheng, Tianhe District
510623 Guangzhou
T: +86 (0)20 387 723 51
T: +86 (0)20 387 723 56
F: +86 (0)20 387 723 53
Emergency number: +86 139 2510 1834. This number is reserved to the Belgians confronted with urgent problems.
For any other question please call the general number during the opening hours. No visa information will be provided on this number.
Opening hours
Please make an appointment before your visit via guangzhou@diplobel.fed.be
Monday- Friday
09.00 u. - 12.00 u.
13.30 u. - 17.00 u.