Loss or theft of money

What to do in case of loss or theft of money.

  1. Last updated on

In case of loss or theft of money and/or cards, we advise to contact your friends or family who can quickly transfer money to you via Western Union. It is important that your friends or family communicate exactly the same surname and first names as they appear on your passport.

The person depositing the money will be given a reference number. You can then collect the money at a local Western Union branch by presenting your passport and quoting this reference number: www.westernunion.be - www.westernunion.cn. Please not that this process can be time consuming.

If you have several first names, and some of those only have initials instead of the complete spelling of the names, this may possibly cause complications to the extend that collecting a transfer via Western Union may be impossible.

In this case, do not hesitate to contact the consular post of the jurisdiction where you reside. They will try to find a solution on a case-by-case basis, but a positive outcome can't unfortunately be guaranteed.