Driver’s license

On this page you will find all information about the driver's license in China.

  1. Last updated on

General remark

The Belgian Embassy/Consulate General is not competent to issue driver’s licenses, nor to extend their validity, or to replace them.

Long stay in China

Based on the bilateral agreement, a Belgian driver’s license category B can be exchanged for a Chinese driver’s license category C. For more information consult the documents below.

  • A Belgian driver’s license is not valid in China.
  • A Belgian international driver’s license is not valid in China.

Procedure to replace a lost, stolen or expired driver’s license:

  • Declare to the police
  • Contact your (last) municipality in Belgium for the issuance of a new driver’s license

Procedure to obtain an international driver’s license or to extend:

  • Contact your (last) municipality in Belgium for the issuance or extension of an international driver’s license.


Short stay in China

At certain airports in China, Belgian travellers can apply for a temporary driver's licence on arrival at the airport from the Traffic Management Bureau.

Please consult this article (PDF, 48.46 KB) for more information.